Every brain treatment center in Worthington, Ohio, understands the significance of early intervention. Whatever neurological issues your child is suffering from, getting a proper brain evaluation and therapy can help them function better as they grow older. One of the conditions that show symptoms within the first 12 months of a child is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). When you see these symptoms in your infant, head to a brain treatment clinic in Ohio as they may have ASD.
- Social Communication and Interaction Skills
If your child does not maintain or avoids eye contact and does not respond to his name in his 9th month, he may suffer from ASD. Other glaring symptoms include not showing facial expressions, and not joining other children in play when they reach 3 years old. - Restricted or Repetitive Behavior
Does your child play with their toys the same way every time? Or repeats words or phrases over and over? A child who repeats their behavior may have autism. They also line up objects, and when they are changed, they get upset.
These are only some of the symptoms that a child may manifest. If you spot any of this behavior, or if your child behaves differently than others, visit Brain Treatment Center – Columbus to understand your child’s condition. We employ MeRT therapy, educate you about your child to help them and help you achieve peace of mind. Give us a call.
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