Brain Treatment Center – Columbus strives to decode and analyze our client’s unique brain data with the use of our machine learning analysis to deliver targeted treatment parameters. Our individualized treatment tools are up-to-date and efficient in classifying what disrupts the neurons in the brain. Our neuroscientists are experts when it comes to brainwaves.
“If we can positively affect injured or non-neurotypical brains, we may not be far from improving connections in healthy brains and enhancing intelligence in a generalized way.”
Luke Nosek of Founders Fund on Brain Treatment Center
With proper assessment of the brain connectivity, we develop a different perspective of your condition and challenges. With an accurate understanding of your brain state, we utilize emerging technologies to nurture and strengthen your brain functioning. Hence, we introduce MeRT – Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy.
Our technology is a platform to restore the mind.
By measuring and analyzing your brainwave activity, we identify disruptions to your brain network and build treatment parameters specifically tailored to your needs. In most cases, we can visibly reshape brainwave activity, regardless of what may have caused the disruption to begin with.
The MeRT platform is a patent-protected process that is currently undergoing rigorous research by the Department of Defense and several private institutions.
The MeRT Process

Who Can Benefit from MeRT?
The neurons in the brain can be disrupted by many different factors, including:
- An injury to the head or repeated injuries
- Dementia
- Chemical exposure
- Addiction
- Disease or illness
- Developmental disorders such as Autism, Learning disorders, ADD, ADHD
- Sleeping disorders
- Extreme stress, anxiety, or trauma
- Congenital conditions
The Benefits of MeRT
Most of our clients have shown these improvements after having experienced our treatment:
- Increased relaxation
- Improved sleep pattern
- Better mood
- Increased attention span
- Reduced pain
- Enhanced social skills
- Improved emotional stability
- Improved memory
- And more
*Results and improvements are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual’s condition and are not guaranteed.
Stay Connected
For more information regarding our clinic and services, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us a message.